
CPOSC 2009 and The Pennsylvania LoCo Team

Congratulations to my friend and fellow Ubuntu Pennsylvania LoCo Team member Elizabeth Krumbach for being accepted as a speaker for the Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference (CPOSC) on October 17, 2009! Her talk is on Participating in Open Source Projects, and I am really looking forward to seeing her in action. I'm hoping to meet alot of other team members there, and meeting up at Appalachian Brewing Company (ABC) after the event!

Also this is a great opportunity for the PA LoCo to build community relationships, and foster greater adoption of Ubuntu. So I would like to raise money so that we can be a sponsor and have a table at the event. I have also requested a conference pack.

The fee for a Bronze level sponsor (which will get us listed in the materials, website, etc. as well as get us a table) is $100. Since my employment status is currently in the "not" column, I'm going to ask for donations from anyone who can spare some money. I can't stress how much this will mean to the group, and to Ubuntu in the Central Pennsylvania area.

I'd also like to see who will be attending CPOSC, so we can get together! So post comments or email me!
**** UPDATE**** We've raised the funds and secured the sponsorship!  Thanks to everyone who generously donated!

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