Coming up Saturday October 16, is the 3rd Annual Central PA Open Source Conference to be held at Harrisburg University, Harrisburg, PA. Over 20 speakers are scheduled include 2 teammates of mine from the Pennsylvania Ubuntu Local Community Team: Brian Stempin and Chris Teodorski.
Brian's presentation will be on a topic that is of particular interest to me, Open Source Geospatial Technologies. I've been a big fan of PostGIS for a while, although I haven't had the time to play with it much. This will be really interesting, I am sure.

Tickets are still available for this exciting event, so buy one now before they're gone!
Look for me there, I'll be hanging around the Ubuntu Table handing out goodies. I've met a lot of good people at last year's event, and am expecting to see more this year!
We are looking to raise money for the Ubuntu Table at the event. If you can spare any amount, please click on the PayPal donate button on the upper right corner of this page. Every dollar helps promote Ubuntu and Open Source Software, so please give.
A CPOSC afterparty at ABC (Appalachian Brewing Company) would be really fun, so if anyone wants to get together there, shoot me an email at freelancer317 AT gmail DOT com.
I really can't wait for October 16th!